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Medical Laser Hair Removal

At the South Coast Laser Clinic we have not one but two medical grade lasers: a Polaris Medical ND: YAG and a Polaris Medical Q-Switched Ruby laser. This means that we can offer treatments that are more permanent and efficient than any other treatment that is currently available. The most common hair removal treatments include: Facial, Underarm, Bikini Lines and Legs. Depending on the density and the colour of the unwanted hair it usually requires minimum of 8 treatments to achieve desirable results .

We are aware that there is some confusion regarding the differences between Laser and IPL. At the South Coast Laser Clinic we only use medical grade Lasers and not the far cheaper but less effective IPL machines.

The main advantages of using Laser over IPL are:

  • Laser Technology is simply much more effective and achieves substantially better results.
  • Lasers are far more precise, and can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. IPL is far more of a “scattergun” approach. Lasers are therefore safe for all skin colours, whereas IPL can cause burns on darker skin tones.
  • Each laser pulse takes a fraction of a second, and can treat several hairs at a time. Therefore laser hair removal can be used to treat larger body areas.

Our Benefits

  • Over 17 years experience = The very best care and attention
  • Latest Generation Medical Grade Equipment tasted with time = The best possible results
  • Very Competitive Prices
  • Easy to find and unlimited free parking

Simply call 01329 738007 to book your free consultation.

Positive changes @ SCLC

South Coast Laser Clinic, Cams Hall, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 8AB